I might be put in a mental home

Here's why...

Aleya Jobson - musician, activist, ​entrepreneur

A Little

About Me

Hygge: A live recording improv album on holiday ​with housemates in Sweden the days before they ​coordinated a hate crime against me. Link

I make music, radical honesty art ​and activism, art brut, social ​enterprise and so on. I lived in ​Germany for about 5 years. Here is ​a summary of why I left.


I tried to ​relate... And ​fix.

Al​ways relating...

I tried to humanize them and ​empathize and relate. Moral ​relativism driving me, I made ​excuses for the inexcusable. ​On an isolated swedish ​island with no one much ​around I was taunted in the ​midst of an Aryan dance of ​boo​k burning.

Always trying to blame ​my​self...

if I was to blame theN I ​could fix the problem ​easier. Wishful thinking.

Burning Book Page


The ​'discussion'

This link above is to an​ album that sees me still tryi​ng to relate to and exp​lain evil deeds while tr​ying to correct behavior. ​I tattle to the world hopi​ng someone will stop me ​from ta​king the blame.


The chandelier ​above my bed...

my bedroom of one year with no ​mention by educated people what I was ​un​der.

Similar imagery on both chandelier and ​oc​cult nazi artefact




I lost



Other Projects

I am an environmentalist, a ​game maker, musician, writer, ​activist, fun-loving person, ​neurodiverse, LGBT, no ​longer in possession of a ​visa, facing a block in ​completing my bachelor ​thesis formally... I feel I have ​done enough.

How you can



share my ​work.

this is the real me: happy, ​beautiful, confident, ​intelligent, capable, ​tackling world issues with ​ease and imagination.

help me remain so if you can ​by just listening to what I've ​had to say. Just play my ​music.

Al​eya Jobson on music apps

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